Monday, September 28, 2009

Crash and Burn- Short Fiction

Artist: Lisa Rae Winant
29 x 12 oil on panel

He was cussing under his breath as he was walked back to his cubicle like a dog with its tail between his legs. Another failed attempt to impress his boss and another phone call home to his wife letting her know he will not be home for dinner. He had been married a little over 3 years ago to the love of his love, high school sweethearts; he would do anything for that woman. The thought of calling her for the fourth night in a row to cancel their dinner date filled him with enough rage to walk into Mr. big shots office and quit his job right then and there.

Mark got back to his 4 x 4 cubicle and stared at the picture of him and Mary on his wall they had taken in the Bahamas on their honeymoon. The last time he had a vacation. His focus shifted to his computer monitor which displayed the advertising campaign that he had been slaving away on for he last four days. A multi million dollar campaign that Mr. big shot had promised him a promotion- which will never happen- if he sealed the deal with yummy scentz; a candle company which his wife hated, he remembered buying her one of their candle sets for their anniversary and they are now on a shelf in the upstairs closet.

Mark deleted the project that was on his computer screen because Mr. big shot had boldly stated “I know you have been out of college for over ten years, those are simplistic and boring ads! Don’t bring me that crap again or ill show you the door.” He started working on a new idea for the campaign when he heard someone come up behind him. He turned around just in time to see Mr. big shot throw a stack of files on his desk and say “I need these done by 8:00am”. He started to walk away when Mark said “Mr. big shot?” The short over weight man wearing a fake Italian suit that was definitely two sizes too small turned back at Mark and said in an obnoxious cocky tone “what is it now Mark? Don’t you have enough to do? Why do you always feel the need to bother me?” before Mark could think or rationalize his next decision the words fell off of his tongue “I QUIT!” the over weight man turned nine shades of red. Mark grabbed the photo of him and his wife his suit coat and headed to the elevator. Waiting for the elevator he pulled out his cell phone and dialed his wife’s number when she answered he said “Honey, were going on a vacation. How does the Bahamas sound?”


  1. I admire Mark's decision to grow a backbone and quit when he'd had enough of mister big shot's antics. It was nice how you began the story with a mention of his wife and ended with him calling her to tie the story together.

  2. I loved this. I think that this is story many people can relate to: Lacking content in a situation, re-prioritizing and making a hard decision based on what is really important. I think you did a great job showing your character seethe below the surface.:)

  3. I love this. The evolution from painting to fiction is great. I love the description of Mr. big shot. A great little story.
